Feb 20, 2015

California Center for Urban Horticulture

Kurapia...a “new” low use perennial groundcover

The CCUH is currently involved in researching the performance of Kurapia (Lippia nodiflora), a new low-water groundcover developed in Japan.  It was developed for drought conditions and is tolerant of different soils and a range of temperatures.  It grows quickly to establish ground cover but is sterile, so unwanted seeding does not occur.  For more information about its use, click here.
Kurapia lawn
Drought Conditions Trial
Kurapia was included in a University of California at Riverside study that evaluated the performance and appearance of 19 turfgrass species or cultivars in drought conditions.  It performed best along with Kikuyugrass and buffalograss, two warm-season turfgrasses.  Click here for a full report of the study.