Green Exchange Rebate Programs by Water Agencies are generally available to both residential and businesses (industrial, commercial, institutional) including large landscape accounts, offering around a $2.00(*1) per square foot incentive for lawn/turfgrass replacement. The programs' goal is to reduce outdoor water use by removing water-thirsty lawns and encourage new water-efficient landscape.
Kurapia only needs 13” annual water requirement while tall fescue having a 44 to 50” annual water requirement.(*2) After Kurapia is established, it be irrigated at the 20% level of Eto (*3) as additional water does not represent much gain in appearance or size. Kurapia is a Water-Smart Groundcover.
(1*) Call your local Water Agency for an exact figure. Each Agency has its own rate. (*2) Under sprinkler irrigation - ref to UCR Trial. (*3) Under drip irrigation -ref. to UC Davis Trial.
Green Exchange Rebate Programs by Water Agencies are generally available to both residential and businesses (industrial, commercial, institutional) including large landscape accounts, offering around a $2.00(*1) per square foot incentive for lawn/turfgrass replacement. The programs' goal is to reduce outdoor water use by removing water-thirsty lawns and encourage new water-efficient landscape.
Kurapia only needs 13” annual water requirement while tall fescue having a 44 to 50” annual water requirement.(*2) After Kurapia is established, it be irrigated at the 20% level of Eto (*3) as additional water does not represent much gain in appearance or size. Kurapia is a Water-Smart Groundcover.
(1*) Call your local Water Agency for an exact figure. Each Agency has its own rate. (*2) Under sprinkler irrigation - ref to UCR Trial. (*3) Under drip irrigation -ref. to UC Davis Trial.
More information about Kurapia, visit